

Giving Hope When All Hope Was Lost

Belinda Otusanya, known as “Lady B” to her customers, has operated African Expressions since 1996, selling custom and off the rack Nigerian and West African clothing. For the past 12 years, African Expressions has been located at 145 S. 60th Street in West Philadelphia. 

A big part of African Expressions’ business comes from large events like weddings. But this year, because of the pandemic, Belinda lost all of that critical business. 

“From March on, it was devastating, unbelievable,” she said. “Everything was cancelled. No weddings, no prom, no graduation. All the things that we rely on, that we do the most, were all cancelled. It was really, really difficult to make ends meet.” 

Then Belinda got a call from ACHIEVEability as part of our outreach and support to local, small businesses. With the pandemic making it hard for African Expressions to stay afloat, this was the right time to connect with ACHIEVEability. We were able to help Belinda access a $5,000 grant from the COVID-19 Relief Pennsylvania Statewide Small Business Assistance program. 

“When I got the money, it was just a blessing. The rent was due, everything was due at the same time.” Thanks to the grant and support from ACHIEVEability, African Expressions has been able to stay in business. Now ACHIEVEability is helping her set up an online store to sell her clothing, head wraps and other custom creations. With every purchase, customers get a matching facemask. 

Belinda is now an advocate for ACHIEVEability to the other businesses and residents on the 60th Street commercial corridor. “It’s a process that can change peoples’ lives,” she says of working with ACHIEVEability. 

“When you think all hope is lost, you have an organization that is telling you, ‘No, you can still do it. You can still make it’… ACHIEVEability helps people achieve their dreams.” 

To supporters of our work, Belinda says, “When somebody is supporting ACHIEVEability, they are fulfilling a purpose. If you really have a purpose in life, ACHIEVEability is one organization you need to put your money behind because what they do, as the name suggests, is help people achieve.”